The scenario of the exercise included the establishment and control of an area prohibited to air traffic (No Fly Zone), as well as a complex mission, in coordination with the Joint Tactical Air Controllers (JTAC) on the ground, to protect Special Forces 'Aeronautica Militare engaged in personal recovery operations kidnapped by the opposing party.
The Deployable Air Operations Center (DAOC) of the DACCC, acting as a risk element of a Joint Forces Air Component (JFAC), has managed - with the support of the 22 ° Radar Group of the Air Force (GrRAM) of Licola (NA) - i numerous aeronautical structures that participated with various functions in the exercise. In particular, the Eurofighter intervened to ensure air superiority, the Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat / Reconnaissance) for the suppression of enemy air defenses, the Tornado IDS (Interdiction and Strike) and the AMX for close air support and dynamic Targeting and not the KC-767 for air refueling.
As a threat to ground air to counter, a Skyguard system of the Italian Army and a series of fictitious units were used.
The Special Forces intervened with 4 helicopters (2 HH-139 and 2 AB-212) for the recovery of personnel and hostages, a C-130J for airplanes and a C-27J in terms of ground attack and mission command.
Source: CSA - COA - Poggio Renatico - Colonel Paolo Bressan
(photo: AM / Copyright Eurofighter-Luca Genkinger)