Today, Thursday 21 March, the Oath and Baptism ceremony of the students of the course took place at the Pozzuoli Air Force Academy Aeolus VI, 1st class of regular courses.
86 young students, coming from all the regions of Italy and selected from over 4500 applications for admission, swore loyalty to the Italian Republic and its institutions and formally committed themselves to honoring the ideals of loyalty, courage and sense of duty, principles founders of the Armed Forces.
The ceremony took place in the presence of the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto, the Chief of Staff of the Defense Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Luca Goretti. There are also numerous local military, civil and religious authorities.
As per tradition, the Banner of the City of Naples decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor, that of the Campania Region, the Metropolitan City of Naples and the Municipality of Pozzuoli, the Banners and the representatives of the Combat and Weapons Associations were present.
The commander of the Air Force Academy, general of the air division Luigi Casali, after thanking the authorities and the guests who attended, addressed the young protagonists of this day as follows: “Students of the first course, this solemn moment takes place following a severe competitive selection process which you have passed by demonstrating uncommon ability, determination, passion, character and willpower. This was followed by an intense period of military and academic training which allowed you to acquire the skills and awareness necessary to be here today, on Piazzale Medaglie d'Oro, to celebrate your oath. In a few minutes, in front of our Institute Flag, you will swear loyalty to your homeland, always be proud of the life you have chosen, the uniform you wear and the homeland you serve. Face the next challenges with determination. Take inspiration from the pact of honor that you will soon pronounce and shout, with intimate conviction, your pride, your commitment and your love for the life you have chosen!”.
After the Oath, the Baptism of the Course took place, when the pennant, through an ideal handover between the godfathers of the generations of the previous Eolo courses, was entrusted to the head of the courseAeolus VI.
An act that marked the official welcome into the ranks of the Air Force. The two moments of the Oath and the Baptism of the course were sealed by the flyover of the Frecce Tricolori which spread the traditional tricolor over the sky of Pozzuoli.
During his speech, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Luca Goretti, addressing the families of the students, wanted to underline the love, trepidation and pride that emanates from the parents and relatives of the students. "Their - he said - have the undisputed merit of having been able to support the aspirations of these highly determined young people, accompanying them to undertake a professional and life path in compliance with moral and ethical principles that have always been present in an institution like ours".
Continuing, General Goretti highlighted how today's anniversary falls at the end of the commemorations for the Centenary of the Air Force, which entered its second century of life: “You are the trailblazers of our new path. Our Armed Forces are now a centuries-old, strong, tenacious tree with roots firmly tied to the ground and branches reaching towards the sky. You, this tree, constitute the lifeblood that supplies the entire structure and allows us to look with confidence to the future beyond the horizon of our years, aware of the extreme quality that we are introducing with your course and with all the courses present in the Academy . During this long period full of glory and passion, we have broadened our operational horizons, which will lead you to operate in sectors of extreme technological and scientific value. A continuous drive towards new challenges which include among the latest arrivals the fifth and sixth generation systems as well as the new intervention domains such as space and cyber, in addition to the traditional ones, always exclusively at the service of Italy! Welcome aboard students of the Eolo VI Course!”
“The words of the formula you have just pronounced are the seal of a life choice, dedicated to a demanding mission, which will require sacrifices, but which will also be fascinating and full of rewards. These words will accompany you in moments of joy and satisfaction, but above all in difficulties, when you will have to treasure them, remembering the superior value of our commitment to the Nation" - this is the warning of the Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone in his greeting address
Finally, the Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto wanted to dedicate to the young people words of profound esteem and pride for the chosen path: “…students of the EOLO VI Course, welcome to the great Defense family. You, together with your colleagues in the other Armed Forces, are the basis of the security of our future. You decided – stated Minister Crosetto – to serve your country for life. You will be bearers of ancient and modern values. I look at you with the admiration of a father and I bow before the choice you have made."
As per tradition, during the event the “Day in honor of the Gold Medals for Military Valor of Italy“, during which Lieutenant Colonel Gianfranco Paglia, decorated with the Gold Medal for Military Valor, wanted to send a message of good wishes to the young students who have just undertaken their solemn commitment.
On the occasion of the gathering of the previous generations of the Corsicans Aeolus, the course committee Aeolus wanted to pay homage to the city of Pozzuoli, home to many years of academic training, with some donations to the National Association of Families of the Fallen and Mutilated Aeronautics, to the Tommasino Foundation, to the Opera Nazionale Figli degli Aviatori (ONFA) and finally some medical equipment to the hospital Santa Maria delle Grazie Pediatric Clinic in Pozzuoli. The delivery of the machinery, which took place at the Puteolano hospital yesterday in the presence of the air team general Francesco Vestito, commander of the 1st air region and course leader of theAeolus IV, was also cheered up by the delivery of Easter eggs to the little patients.
Some information on the Eolo VI course:
The course is made up of a total of 92 attendees, of which 86 jurors plus six of foreign nationality, for a total of 67 men and 25 women. Specifically, the course is made up of: 48 pilots, 11 from the weapons role, 16 from the aeronautical engineering corps, 9 from the police station corps and 8 from the aeronautical medical corps. In their academic path, based on the international cooperation agreements in place formalized by the Air Force in the field of training, the young cadets are supported by 6 foreign students from 6 different nations (Djibouti, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Libya, Niger and Tunisia). As per tradition restored with the sixth generation which sees a color assigned to each course, the Eolo VI will have amethyst purple as its identifier.
Course Motto: “Aeolus, the wing is the sail of your fury and the heart is the bow straight to infinity”.