Lebanon, at the confines of the war. Cap.6: Comparative Sciism, interview with Sayyed Ali al-Amin

(To Alessandra Mulas, Giampiero de Luca)

Sayyed Ali al-Amin, Lebanese philosopher and author of numerous treatises on interreligious dialogue, is a person of great intellectual charm who gives us a valuable interview about his vision of the international situation. Just returned from Paris, where he participated in the second world summit on East and West - dialogues of civilization, organized by the Council of elders of the Muslims, the Foundation of San Egidio and the University of al-Azhar where the mayor of Paris also participated , Anne Hidalgo.

In his interview he emphasizes his thoughts on the need for dialogue as the only possible system for solving the Middle East crisis; as regards Lebanon, underlines the need to make a common front among all the different communities, ethnic groups also at the political level to face the danger of terrorism.

A staunch opponent and severe critic of Hezbollah, he has repeatedly declared that the Lebanese state should, exclusively, take responsibility for security throughout the territory to counter terrorist regimes aimed at destabilizing the country and sowing discord among citizens. Sayyed al-Amin has repeatedly called on Hezbollah to withdraw from the conflict areas in Syria.