Training in "passive defense" in Maricendrag

(To Marina Militare)

The Security Center was founded in the 80s as a self-training facility for the crews of the naval units of the La Spezia headquarters.

Over the years it has developed by increasing its function and, starting from 1998, it has begun to provide massive training in "passive defense" for all military personnel in the Northern area, including training institutes. 
From the 2011, the Safety Center has also started training at sea, focusing on damage control (MDP - Passive defense modules), in favor of smaller units in the La Spezia headquarters.

Finally, from the 2015 it has acquired the ability to provide the AIB (Basic Fire) course, which is mandatory for all boarded personnel. Over the years, the activity of the center has undergone a considerable increase which has led it not only to provide training to Italian military personnel, but also to foreign marine crews and personnel from the outside world.

Proof of this is the training conducted in favor of the navy of Bangladesh, Malta and, soon, Greece and Algeria, and the conduct of fire and anti-leak training activities for the crew of the Costa Cruises Company.

The training activity includes a didactic phase in the classroom, and an intense practical activity in the simulators, which allow attendees to deal with realistic scenarios. The fire-fighting part takes place inside a structure that reproduces the interior of a ship with all the difficulties of operating in an environment invaded by fumes and flames, putting students to the test in finding the injured, in identifying the danger and in the contrast to the harmful event.

The anti-leak simulator allows to operate in an environment invaded by water, in real conditions of poor visibility and intervention difficulties, in an attempt to counteract the waterways actually produced.  
The Security Center, which constantly provides training activities in the specific sector, has in recent months dedicated some training sessions to the staff of the Naval Academy of Livorno, which has sent about one hundred first-year students to attend the reduced fire-fighting course.

The activity allowed them to acquire theoretical notions on fire fighting aboard naval units and to carry out practical "hot" activities at the simulator, experimenting with a real environment invaded by fumes and flames, where they can train themselves to deal with a possible harmful event.