75 Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein

(To Paratrooper Brigade Folgore)

Next 06 October 2017, at the Paratrooper Training Center in Pisa via 138, will host the commemorative ceremony for the 75 ° Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein.

During the ceremony, which will also be an opportunity to greet the staff of the thunderbolt will be handed over to the Parachutist Brigade Folgore the next major European award "Lorenzo il Magnifico", awarded by the International Academy of Medicea.

At the margins of the event, the traditional static exhibition of media and materials supplied to the Aviotruppe will be set up in the adjacent squares of the CAPAR gymnasium and it will be possible to visit the Aviotruppe Museum.

From the 0900 to the 1530 it will also be possible to make, at the stand prepared for the Italian Post Office, the philatelic cancellation with a special stamp donated for the occasion by the National Parachutists Association of Italy.

(photo: archive Italian Army)