31/07/2015 - This morning the commander general of the Carabinieri Tullio Del Sette met 31 soldiers from all over the national territory who have distinguished themselves in daily service activities.
10/07/2015 - Yesterday, at the Auditorium of the Italian Pavilion Expo Milano 2015, the international meeting "Countering food crime, strengthening food security" began - "Fighting food crime - enforcing food safety".
07/07/2015 - An internationally renowned event on the theme of food fraud "Fighting food crime, enforcing food safety" was presented to the press yesterday with a conference held at the headquarters of the NAS Carabinieri (Nuclei Antisofisticazioni e Sanità) in Rome.
26/06/2015 - Information, awareness and communication to combat drunk driving, reduce road accidents on some of the most dangerous state roads in Italy and inform motorists on the correct ways of transporting minors by car.
24/06/2015 - The Commander General of the Carabinieri Corps Tullio Del Sette met the athletes of the Carabinieri Sports Center this morning who have distinguished themselves in the various disciplines in the first months of 2015.
18/06/2015 - Today morning, at Palazzo Baracchini, in the presence of the Minister of Defense, sen. Roberta Pinotti, the president of the National Anti-corruption Authority (ANAC), dr. Raffaele Cantone, and the commander general of the Arma, Tullio Del Sette, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent and combat corruption in the PA
08/06/2015 - This morning, in Rome, in Piazza Risorgimento, at the Museo Storico dell'Arma, in the presence of the Minister of Defense, sen. Roberta Pinotti and the commander general of the Carabinieri Tullio Del Sette, an exhibition of works of art recovered, in Italy and abroad, by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage was inaugurated.
29/05/2015 - The criminal organizations involved in the theft and receiving of copper and other metals and the many scrap dealers and operators in the sector who accept, often recklessly, all types of metal, received a strong warning from a day of action by the police forces held at the same time in many European countries.
28/05/2015 - As part of the cultural initiatives linked to the centenary of the First World War, about 250 students of the last year of middle school and high schools in the capital took part in a series of events organized by the Carabinieri.
19/05/2015 - 1700 accounts contained in a 258 kb RAR file available on the net. Names, surnames, email addresses, telephone numbers of the personnel of the Italian armed forces, but also of the industries that operate in the Defense. Devastating hacker attack that carried out a few hours ago by the hackers of Anonymous. The site of the Italian Ministry of Defense has been hit.
25 / 04 / 2015 - Computer attacks, hacking, network security threats and related countermeasures have kept 21, 24 experts and military and civilian specialists from NATO who have participated in the cybercrime exercise, from 400 to 2015 April. Defense "Locked Shields 4", organized by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Tallinn (Estonia) and directed, for Italy, by the CXNUMX Defense Command with the contribution of the academic world and of the industry.
26/03/2015 - “The Italians trust our Intelligence. Six out of ten citizens express themselves in this sense and believe we need to know more and better the role of the Information System for the Security of the Republic in the fight against the threats of terrorism and lone wolves, cyberwar and attacks on the know-how of our companies " .
13/03/2015 - There is a wide tradition of studies conducted on the analysis of ancient-DNA starting from the bone remains of important figures of the past, with the aim of unraveling the mysteries that often surround them.
02/03/2015 - Also this year it took place from 23 to 27 February 2015 in Rome, in the barracks "V.Brig. Except for the purchase of MOVM", Headquarters of the Command of Mobile and Specialized Carabinieri Units "Palidoro", The 2015 edition of"Staff exchange on investigative techniques against money counterfeiting"(Exchange of officials for police officers specialized in the fight against monetary counterfeiting), organized by the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command in favor of representatives of the Police Forces and of the National Central Banks of Algeria, Bulgaria, Morocco, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey.
15/01/2015 - 2014 was a year full of hacker attacks: numerous companies such as Staples Inc., Neiman Marcus Inc., Home Depot Inc. and eBay Inc. have reported breaches of their systems and millions of their customers remained powerless in the face of data subtraction with regard to theirs credit cards and their personal data.
05/12/2014 - Family, heroes and history are the topics of the new 2015 historical calendar of the Carabinieri, presented on Wednesday morning in the main hall of the carabinieri official school of Rome, in the presence of the general commander of the weapon Leonardo Gallitelli and civil and military institutional positions.
20/11/2014 - The new livery of the police cars was presented yesterday at the high school police From Rome. Initially it will be adopted on 198 cars that will be destined for the crime prevention departments (RPC) of Milan, Turin, Genoa, Padua, Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Florence, Pescara, Perugia, Rome, Naples, Bari, Lecce, Potenza, Cosenza, Vibo Valentia , Siderno, Palermo, Catania, Abbasanta.
17/11/2014 - On the occasion of the Italian-led semester of the presidency of the council of the European union, it took place in the main hall of the officers' school of the Carabinieri in the days of 13 and 14 November 2014, the seminar entitled "Development of civilian crisis management capabilities of the EU. Role of Italy and of the Police Forces with military status ".
13/10/2014 - One hundred accidents and 5 deaths every day, for a total of 1761 victims in one year (2012). The extra-urban roads are confirmed as the most dangerous in Italy, with over 35 thousand accidents causing over 48,2% of the total deaths due to road accidents in Italy.
11/10/2014 - The carabinieri of the provincial command of Naples, as a result of investigative activity, have identified the young people involved in the story reported by Perna Giuseppe, driver of thecompany naples mobility (anm), in service last 06 October on the C12 line, when it reported injuries judged healable in 30 sc days.