15/07/2015 - From what we know, STAMADIFESA is currently engaged in a great effort of elaboration on the White Paper (LB). Several "working groups" have been working for weeks, technical meetings that follow one after the other, never before has SMD really appeared as the navel of the MD. Because?
10/07/2015 - The recent amendment Carbone to the DDL Madia on the reorganization of the PA, together with the White Paper of Defense are potentially devastating measures for the concept of equiordination that is in force in the Defense and Security sector.
09/07/2015 - Dear Director, in the past I have already read something on your web magazine about the reorganization of the Coast Guard, but now, following the recent political-media debate, I feel the need to report almost entirely the article written by Gianandrea Gaiani, a colleague and director of the online magazine Defense Analysis.
19/06/2015 - When we talk about paratroopers, the first image we have is that of the soldier with the amaranth beret and the patent firmly sewn on.
11 / 06 / 2015 - The breath is slow, rhythmic, almost musical, from the nostrils the smell of sulfur and dust slowly creeps into his body aching from the position for too many hours, always the same, always the same.
He wants to stay lucid, he must do it!
02/06/2015 - On June 2 of every year in Italy the Republic is celebrated, that is the form of state chosen by the citizens is celebrated with a referendum that even the most impartial historians define at least as "doubtful".
26/05/2015 - The Co.Ce.R. Marina deems it necessary to express a broad and in-depth assessment of the contents of the White Paper which will affect military personnel; this document represents only a first analysis, others will follow on more specific topics.
24/05/2015 - In the centenary of the beginning of the Great Italian War, with the aim of remembering the facts of a century ago, it would be easy to make hagiography of the heroes or to criticize "the useless massacre" as it would be easy to put yourself in the middle of the two positions , a very popular practice among the sloth and the false intellectuals.
20/05/2015 - I express strong concern about the adverse weather conditions of these hours in the areas where the military are hosted for the Expo, some already known a few days ago of the known logistical problems that have seen the tents that host the military flooded and torn with photos that have flooded the press.
15/05/2015 - I took note of the photos that illustrate the logistical situation in which the military engaged in the security of Expo 2015 find themselves against their will.
Because of the adverse weather conditions on Milan the camp with the tents where the soldiers live has been flooded, with tens of centimeters of water and some curtains torn by the wind.
13/05/2015 - Dear director, just yesterday I learned that many foreign defense officers in Italy were invited by the Italian defense ministry to a briefing explaining the contents of the Defense White Paper.
09/05/2015 - We acknowledge with disbelief the press and non-press reports relating to the accommodation in camp tents of the soldiers employed for the security of the 2015 Expo.
04/05/2015 - A heartfelt and in some respects poetic reflection on the Tricolore the writer has already done it, however the attempt to tell the Song of the Italians was spared us and not for lack of love for the homeland, but for this very reason title: Song of the Italians.
29/04/2015 - Dear Director, I send you my little reflection on the mysterious communicative story of the Defense White Paper, since its publication has repeatedly followed the subject.
18/04/2015 - Yesterday The paper has published an article, signed by his colleague Mario Sechi, which anticipates the presentation of the White Paper by Minister Pinotti, the next 21 in April, to the Supreme Defense Council.
Dear Director, I would like to point out to you and your readers an interesting article published today by the XIX Century signed by my colleague Alberto Quarati (read piece on the web), which further clarifies the recent debate on the rationalization of the resources that I believe the Navy supports, because ultimately putting order in a sector such as maritime security and in the different skills that are related to it, offers the opportunity for a restructuring efficient in the sector.
16 / 03 / 2015 - When attending the presentation in flight of an aircraft presented by an Italian test pilot, whether it is aEuro Fighter or a bathtub with wings, the feeling is always the same: that of having in front of the eyes the most sensational flying machine ever built.
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
General Command of the Port Authority Corps - Coast Guard
Role and functions of the Coast Guard today
08/03/2015 - Dear manager, I refer to the letter that was published on 6 / 3 / 2015 on its website by that Sebastian Nicci, referring to my person entitled "What is the Coast Guard doing on the high seas?".
06/03/2015 - But Bastaaa !!!
But who is this delegate of the Coast Guard Cocer, who weighs his opinion (read article), why is this, of opinion, what is the institutional weight of what it says?