27/07/2014 - In the endless game of chess among the most unlikely "coalition of willings" and the self-styled Islamic state, the Erdogan government has decided to open up explicitly and formally to an attack on Daesh. The news was greeted with jubilation by the press of half the world, however it can only leave us perplexed by the times and ways of implementation.
13/07/2015 - July, a month of holidays and relaxation.
For some admirers of the holiday information between a gossip magazine and a cooking magazine you can also take a look at the newspapers that for a few days on the front page write: Italy under attack!
10/07/2015 - That Greece is a completely marginal issue in the international political panorama is established, confirming what has been said by the fact that the entire amount of Athens' public debt is equal to what Italy alone produces in terms of domestic product in a year and half, billion more, billion less.
Peru - Following the increase in clashes between national security forces and the group Peruvian terrorist "Sendero luminoso", the US government has declared that it will send in Latin American country up to 3200 soldiers destined to improve operations in collaboration with the Peruvian Navy to defeat the aforementioned rebels and drug traffickers.
02/07/2015 - ISIS has returned to strike by attacking a Shiite mosque in Kuwait. Twenty-five people were killed in the attack in Kuwait City, the capital of Kuwait. According to the interior minister, at least 202 people were injured. At the time of the attack, which took place during the hour of Friday prayer, there were about two thousand people in the Imam Sadiq mosque.
01/07/2015 - On Friday 26 June 2015, while France was catching its breath after the attacks in Lyon, Somalia was once again experiencing its blood-red sunset.
Two different geopolitical realities, united by the real fear of terrorism.
28/06/2015 - The attacks should leave no doubt. The attacks are clear, clear in their devastating absurdity. France awakens to a new morning of blood that leaves one victim, two injured and an endless trail of questions.
26/06/2015 - With the arrival of summer it seems that decision makers lose contact with reality, it will be the heat, it will be the desire for sunny beaches, but the decisions taken in recent weeks are paradoxical.
18 / 06 / 2015 - The UN resolution for the intervention in Libya authorizing the use of force against the smuggling of migrants seems impossible, the head of the EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, asked for the support of the UN last May to the motion for a resolution, to counter traffickers, drafted by the EU members of the Security Council (United Kingdom, France, Lithuania and Spain), authorizing the use of force in Libyan territorial waters.
11/06/2015 - Being able today to determine a univocal and certain definition of terrorism, and everything that concerns it, is a very difficult practice. The same doctrine, in fact, strongly debates in this sense: in the international context, these acts are generally recognized as activities and behaviors that bring strong instability to the system and that must find an adequate sanction by national legal systems.
25 / 05 / 2015 - The terrorist is not stupid.
The terrorist is an entrepreneur, calculates costs and benefits, evaluates carefully and scientifically plans any move.
The terrorist always has a purpose and this is the only goal that matters, having a flaw in planning means not fulfilling the fulfillment of the purpose itself.
19 / 05 / 2015 - Reading the news of these last hours, concerning the miraculous 19 pages of the Mogherini plan for immigration, comes to mind the verse of the famous Sanremo song of Povia [...] when the idiots do Boo [...].
10/05/2015 - With the end of the project South Stream Italy has shown, once again, its marginality in foreign policy.
30/04/2015 - The Yemeni spring continues to smell of war and death.
Under the extra-huge bombs of the Saudi monarchy, 944 people and an unknown number of children died.
23/04/2015 - On 7 March 2015, the leader of the fundamentalist association Boko Harām, Abubakar Shekau, pledged allegiance to the head of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a statement in Arabic subtitled in English and French occurred through its publication on the official Twitter account of Boko Harām, Al-Urhwa al-Wutqha
20/04/2015 - The main purpose of terrorists is to spread anxiety and fear among the civilian population; the methods used are many, the important thing is that their actions achieve results both at a political and propaganda level. The more the actions are striking, the greater the message of fear that organizations spread around the world.
19/04/2015 - Islam equal terrorism is the adage proposed to public opinion for the third millennium, it works well, costs little, fills the newspapers (we are writing about it) and provides us with an enemy, which is the tool more effective to guarantee the social cohesion of sovereign states, but will it really be that simple?
18 / 04 / 2015 - From the beginning of the airstrikes, conducted by the United States Air Force, against ISIS forces - Islamic State Iraq & Syria - present on both Syrian and Iraqi territory since August of the 2014 and, today, also by Jordan, after ISIS has killed a pilot of the Jordanian air forces, which has declared war on the Islamic terrorist group, the lawfulness of these attacks has been the subject of a wide debate, still ongoing.
15/04/2015 - The Operation Decisive Battle has definitely lost credibility.
Saudi Arabia continues to bomb the Shia Houthi rebels with innate stubbornness and the only result obtained is that of having lost face in the eyes of the entire international community.
14/04/2015 - The following article aims to analyze in general some of the most significant elements that characterize the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism with particular reference to the dynamics linked to the self-styled "Islamic State".