02/03/2015 - Also this year it took place from 23 to 27 February 2015 in Rome, in the barracks "V.Brig. Except for the purchase of MOVM", Headquarters of the Command of Mobile and Specialized Carabinieri Units "Palidoro", The 2015 edition of"Staff exchange on investigative techniques against money counterfeiting"(Exchange of officials for police officers specialized in the fight against monetary counterfeiting), organized by the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command in favor of representatives of the Police Forces and of the National Central Banks of Algeria, Bulgaria, Morocco, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey.
The event was attended by representatives of European institutions and other competent Italian and international bodies, such as the European Commission, Europol, Interpol, Bank of Italy e Mint of the Stateas well as the Dr. Maria Vittoria De Simone, magistrate of National Anti-Mafia Directorate, which illustrated the regulatory aspects relating to monetary forgery in the European and national sphere.
During the activities, the delegates were able to deepen the investigative techniques for the fight against organized crime committed to monetary falsification through lessons and practical exercises by staff of the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command and learn more about the operational model of the Carabinieri with a visit to Provincial Carabinieri Command of Rome, where they visited the Operating Center the beating heart of the Capital of the Capital. The foreign delegates also carried out a study visit to the Grouping Carabinieri Scientific Investigations,Higher Institute of Investigation Techniques of the Carabinieri in Velletri and at the laboratories of the Bank of Italy and Mint of the State.
The initiative, funded by the European Commission under the Program "Pericles"For the protection of the Euro, falls within a context of community awareness-raising activities aimed at police officers of third countries, whose training is delegated by the European institutions also to the Carabinieri, in virtue of the excellent operational results obtained in the contrast to the falsification of the circulating currency during the twenty years experience in the sector. New element of this edition of the Exchange Staff is the realization of specific training modules that will be held in the coming months by non-commissioned officers of the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command with the police forces of Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal. The training will be structured according to the method "Train the Trainer"Which will allow participants to acquire specific knowledge on the security features of euro banknotes and coins of all denominations, as well as the methodologies used for the analysis of the counterfeit European currency and the investigation techniques against organized crime dedicated to production and to the international traffic of false money.
Il Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command was founded in the 1992 and since then has been conducting investigative activities against criminality devoted to false numbers, particularly active in Italy and becoming an even more dangerous threat following the introduction of the Euro and the consequent enlargement of the market of false currency towards new countries, some of which are candidates or aspire to join the European Union and adopt the Euro. In this capacity, therefore, which National Competent Authority for the Arma dei Carabinieri in the particular sector (pursuant to the EU Council 1338 / 2001 Regulation), the Carabinieri Anti-Falsification Monetary Command has been successfully organizing initiatives for the protection of the Euro and increasing international cooperation in the specific sector for many years, on behalf of the European Commission, making it a safe and appreciated reference for the homologous police organizations of the member countries of the European Union and Third countries.
Source: Carabinieri Anti-Counterfeiting Monetary Command