17/11/2014 - On the occasion of the Italian-led semester of the presidency of the council of the European union, it took place in the main hall of the officers' school of the Carabinieri in the days of 13 and 14 November 2014, the seminar entitled "Development of civilian crisis management capabilities of the EU. Role of Italy and of the Police Forces with military status ".

The workshop was part of the 10 ° event within the program of meetings organized by the defense ministry during the European semester with Italian guidance.

The seminar, introduced by the greetings of the general commander of the carabinieri weapon Leonardo Gallitelli and continued with the introductory remarks by the chief of staff of the general division carabinieri weapon Ilio Ciceri, saw the participation of authoritative guests, civilians and soldiers, internationally engaged in the subjects covered by the seminar.

The topics covered allowed the audience to develop excellent insights and insights. Particular attention was paid to the role of the EU CSDP (Common Security and Defense Policy) and on necessity to develop a comprehensive approach increasingly effective between military and civilian instruments in stabilization operations involving actors on both sides. The was then emphasized role played in this context by police forces with a military statute for their specific ability to perform both police and military tasks.

The seminar also provided an opportunity to illustrate Italy's contribution and the precious role of standardization of doctrine and training by international training centers such as CoESPU and the formation of NATO SP COE in Vicenza as well as of other subjects engaged in stabilization operations such as the Spanish Guardia Civil, the Portuguese National Republican Guard, the Gendarmeria Rumenian Jendarma and the Polish Military Gendarmerie.

Finally, the outline of the future prospects of the EU and CSDP in the civilian management of the crises that will need to be tackled have been outlined.

The event ended with the final considerations of General Gallitelli, of the min. plein. Luca Giansanti and Chief of Staff of Defense Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli.

Andrea Strippoli Lanternini