This year the theme was "snow".
The prize winners were: Aisha Kais, 1 ^ classified, for the Social Science article "Snow among the Syrian hands", empathic reflection, with the eyes of children, on the living conditions and suffering of the Syrian people, also due to a meteorological phenomenon that is generally synonymous with happiness. Sara Postiglione, 2 ^ classified, for a short film entitled "A hero of snow", on the adversities and the sufferings endured by the Italian soldiers in Russia, during the second world war, ended 70 years ago.
3 ° classified, Giada Pipitone, for the story "Bride of Time and daughter of the Frost", a fusion of text and images in which the snow, idealized as a beautiful but fragile woman, is told to humanity.
Special mentions were also given to Yevheniya Usyk for the poem "Father of my father", to Simona Scifoni for photography "Snow fell without light" and to Lorenzo Zini for the video "Science in a snowflake".
At the awards ceremony, held at the auditorium named after the missing officer and chaired by the head teacher prof. In addition to the Giontella family, Eusebio Ciccotti, the sections of the Arma Aeronautica Association (AAA) of Guidonia and Monterotondo, the commander of the Selection Center of the Air Force, Colonel Giuseppe Leonelli and other officers representing the Aerocooperation School and of the 60 ° Wing of Guidonia.
Guests of the event, Colonel Giancarlo Bonelli, well-known face of RAI weather forecasts and Marshal Larissa Nevierov, world sailing champion of the Air Force Sports Center.
Major Roberto Giontella was born in Rome in the 1961. After the scientific maturity, he entered very young in Aeronautica Militare becoming an official meteorologist.
He served at the 51 ° Stormo di Istrana (TV) and at the 5 ° Stormo of Cervia (Ravenna), where, as Head of the Weather Section, he obtained the commemorative medal for services carried out in international operations by NATO.
Subsequently transferred to the National Center of Aeronautical Meteorology (CNMCA) of Pratica di Mare (Rome), it was designated for the national diffusion of the meteorological information on the RAI networks from the 1995 to the 1999, when it came to miss only 38 years.
Source: Aerocooperation School, Guidonia (Rm) - magg. Antonio Caliandro