Emergency health care from Sardinia for a life-threatening person

(To air Force)

A man suffering from serious pathology and in imminent danger of life was transported this morning from Cagliari to Rome with a Falcon 900 plane of the 31 ° Stormo di Ciampino.

The aircraft, one of the assets that the Air Force keeps 24 ready on 24 for this kind of need on the order of Summit Situation Room of the Armed Forces took off at the 11: 00 approximately from Ciampino airport to Cagliari.

In the Sardinian city, the patient was embarked on a stretcher together with a medical team to assist him during the flight.

Spent quickly, the plane landed at 13: approximately 30 at Ciampino airport, from where the man was then transported by ambulance to the "Gemelli" hospital.