Emergency transport of a child in imminent danger of life

(To air Force)

It has just ended, with the landing of a Falcon 900 Easy of the 31 ° Wing of the Italian Air Force on Genoa airport, the emergency medical transport of a child from Sassari of only four years in imminent danger of life.

Following the worsening of the health conditions of the small patient, admitted to the university clinics of Sassari for a serious pathology, the prefecture of Sassari has requested in the morning the intervention of an emergency medical flight to Summit Situation Room of the Air Squad Command, to be able to quickly transport the child to the Gaslini pediatric hospital in Genoa for specialist care.

In the late morning of today, the child was boarded on board the military aircraft that was transferred from the Alghero Airport Detachment to the Genoa airport.

The family of the child and a medical team assisted him during the trip.