The delicate task of the FAC is to coordinate and direct, in the CAS (Close Air Support) missions, the air interventions on objectives placed in the vicinity of friendly forces. In this type of operation, the FAC implements one of the most complex forms of integration between deeply different components (terrestrial and aerial in the specific case) and uses the most advanced technologies for the identification and pursuit of potential objectives and for communications. (voice, data, video) with the assets in flight.
The aim of the course, in accordance with the NATO and national regulations, is to provide the training staff with the notions, doctrine and operational techniques on tactical management of CAS operations, also in light of the experience gained in the sector and the lessons learned in various Operating Theaters.
The entire training process, developed by the School of Aerocooperation and recognized by NATO as a prerequisite for operating in the various operational theaters, provides, in the phase just concluded, practical training at the Guidonia Airport and in the Monte Romano (VT) polygon, with the contribution of the 60th Wing of Guidonia which contributes to the conduct of the course with FAC qualified pilots who carry out lectures, flight activities (CAS) as well as instruction on the FAC simulator.
The simulation activity, based on the GFT (Game for Training) training concept, allows, through "immersive" virtual reality, to create diversified environments, realistic reconstructions and operating conditions with increasing difficulty, with a significant reduction in global costs.
Source: Aerocooperation School - Guidonia (RM) -magg. Antonio Caliandro