Military airport which, in 1915, at the beginning of the First World War, was born as a Military Piloting School; later, it became 46 ° Stormo Bombardamento Terrestre and only after the Second World War was it converted to the Transportation specialty, maintained to this day.
The San Giusto Pisa airfield was built a few years earlier, in the 1911, by the pioneers of the flight from Pisa Ugo and Guido Antoni for the aviation activities of their company, the Antoni Aviation Company. It was then on the eve of Italy's entry into World War I (24 May 1915) that the S. Giusto camp was chosen to set up a Military Pilot School and as a result was militarized. From then until today it has always been a military airport.
The Flight School of Pisa S. Giusto was one of the most active of the young Military Aviation and churned out many combat pilots for the needs of employment of the air departments engaged at the front. Among others, three Gold Medals for Military Valor were instructed: Captain Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, aviation ace with 20 victories, Lieutenant Silvio Scaroni, ace number 2 after Francesco Baracca with 26 victories and captain Federico Zapelloni , pilot of the bombing specialty. Again, Marziale Cerutti, Luigi Olivari, as well as future test drivers and aviation record holders of the caliber of Mario Stoppani and Alessandro Passaleva.
The commander of the 46th, Brigadier General Roberto Boi, at the end of the presentation by dr. Farina wanted to thank the historian not only for the affection and closeness that has always linked him to the Brigade, but also for the meticulous and priceless work of conservation and transcription, in numerous publications, of the history of the Pisa airport, and of the 46th Air Brigade in particular.
Source: 46ª Air Brigade - Pisa - ten. with the. Pompilio Sammaciccio