Thursday 21 September at the Capo Mele Air Force detachment in Andora, in the presence of the air team general Francesco Vestito, commander of the 1a air region, the handover ceremony took place between Lt. with the. Carlo De Giovanni, outgoing commander, and lieutenant. with the. Giovanni Chimienti, incoming commander.
The ceremony was attended by the vicar prefect of the province of Savona, Dr. Alessandra Lazzari, representatives of the Liguria Region, of the province of Savona, the mayor of Andora, Dr. Demichelis, the mayors of the municipalities of Alassio and Laigueglia, as well as the provincial commanders of the FF.PP. and the Fire Brigade.
During his farewell address, Lt. with the. De Giovanni thanked the commander of the 1sta air region and its headquarters for the constant support received. He subsequently thanked the religious, military and civil authorities and all those who, with their presence, wanted to share an extremely significant moment in the career of a soldier, testifying to the strong and historic bond existing between the institutions and communities of the Western area Ligurian and the Air Force. “Our department is a cohesive reality that has achieved important goals in various areas, from the ability to provide logistical support to the proposal of excellent quality standards in offering Social Protection services to staff. Results that demonstrate the importance of the human factor as an enabling and fundamental tool for achieving the objectives set by higher authorities".
The lieutenant then spoke. with the. Chemicals: “I feel the responsibility and the fortune of continuing on a path traced very well by my predecessor. In thanking the local authorities for the sincere and cordial welcome you have granted me, I assure you that it will be my commitment to maintain and improve the synergies between the institutions that exist in this fantastic territory with the aim of providing services that increasingly meet the citizens' expectations".
General Vestito, in his speech, addressing the deployed personnel, wanted to underline: “The lieutenant certainly deserves credit. with the. De Giovanni having operated by exploiting the limited human and material resources available, always achieving the required objectives. Particular praise therefore goes to him for what he was able to do and the warmest wishes for a peaceful future, still full of many satisfactions. To the lieutenant with the. Chimienti who takes over command responsibilities, today I confirm the trust of the Air Force and my personal one. I am sure that he will be able to lead the Detachment towards further prestigious goals. Finally, my thoughts go to our families, who are close to us in our daily commitment and who share sacrifices and satisfactions with us. My thanks also go to them for the support and balance they provide us, together with the most sincere wishes for serenity".
The Capo Mele Air Force detachment in Andora ensures logistical support to the 115th remote radar squadron and to the co-located "Particular Social Protection Organism", including the marine stay, when activated. An aeronautical detachment perfectly integrated with the local reality, dedicated to guaranteeing increasingly qualified support and social protection services, with the aim of supporting the training activities of the air and ground components, being able to count on a favorable environment for the use of different scenarios training (marine, mountain and forest).