After a brief introduction by General Giunchi on the organization, institutional tasks and capacities expressed by the Interforze Institute, General Lodovisi attended specific briefings on the two training sectors (Remote sensing and Aerocooperation), centered on the relevant training procedures and on the development of teaching provided, in line with the operational needs received from the Armed Forces, the experiences gained in the various operational theaters and the technological developments in the sector, also thanks to the numerous collaborations established with academic circles and national and international organizations.
The visit then continued with a demonstration of the skills and potential expressed by the simulator for FAC (Forward Air Controllers) of the School which, in terms of realism, immersion, scenario quality, integration with real systems and equipment and fidelity technical, allows, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant NATO legislation, to plan and conduct virtual Close Air Support (close air support) missions, reducing overall training costs.
In the field of remote sensing, moreover, the high commander was able to evaluate the skills acquired and the technological level achieved by the School, in specialized and technical-operational training in the field of interpretation and analysis of remote sensing images (aerial and satellite).
At the end of the visit, General Lodovisi, with the traditional signature of the Register of Honor, greeted General Giunchi underlining how: "the Aerocooperation School has been able to maintain a high level of training, keeping pace with the development of new technologies and the evolution of their operational use, consolidating their added value to the operation of the structures of the Air Force and of the other Armed Forces ".
The School of Aerocooperation is the Military Interforces Institute of specialized training and technical-operational value in the field of interpretation of remote sensing images (aerial and satellite) and in that of air-land and air-naval cooperation. For the training and qualification of Advanced Air Controllers, the commander of the School is the "National Certification Authority" and the training / training process has recently also obtained NATO certification. The courses of the School are open, in addition to military personnel of the Armed Forces, also to personnel outside the Defense Administration and to military personnel of NATO and of the countries participating in the international program of Partnership for Peace (PfP - Partnership for Peace) , subject to the authorization of the Defense Staff.
See also DO's visit to the Aerocooperation School
Source: Aerocooperation School - Guidonia (RM) - Mg. Antonio Caliandro