As part of the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) program - to which 12 Nations adhere that since 2009 have made their carriers available for strategic transport - at the parking area of the Operational Support Services Group (GSSO), the unloading operations of the high-load capacity transport aircraft belonging to the Papa air base (Hungary).
The activity also represented a valid training opportunity to operate with foreign crews and to carry out multi-line activities in which the "mouvers" staff, as the first projection bracket, must maintain a vast and diversified "expertise" which, together with the excellent synchronization of the components involved, made it possible to offer an efficient "handling" service.
The 3 ° Stormo ensures the capabilities of the national ATOC (Air Terminal Operation Center) with the handling of materials and passenger flow from / to the various operating theaters and the deployment of fast and adaptable "Air Mobility Operation Units".
Source: 3 ° Stormo - Villafranca (VR) - ten.col. Fulvio Franzinelli