The simulation allowed a verification from the most restricted level of Operational Detachment, up to the establishment of a SOTG (Special Operations Task Group).
The event, held in Furbara, involved all the components of the Wing, both operational (supported) and logistic (supporting) which, among the various activities, provided, under the supervision of the technicians of the 3rd Wing, to set up the tents, the field preparations and the relative command post, preparatory to the deployment of the entire device; the recognition and the blasting of bombs was simulated by means of explosive charges and area reclamation carried out with the aid of the EDD dog units of Grosseto, hierarchically dependent on the 16th Wing.
The deployed personnel had to respond to simulated car bomb attacks and terrorists, as well as manage the arrival of bomb packages and bacteriological contamination. Finally, a special simulated hostage rescue operation was carried out within the newly established killing house by the operational component.
At the end of the exercise the commander of the 17 ° Stormo Incursori, Colonel Glauco Luigi Mora, expressed his satisfaction for the high level of interoperability achieved between all the articulations of the Stormo that, projected virtually in a semi-hostile frame, guaranteed the right support consistent with the mission of the Department.
The air brigadier general, Francesco Saverio Agresti, commander of the 1st Special Operations Air Brigade, on which the 17th Wing directly depends, spoke at the final videoconference of the event, representing the importance of this complex training activity, which involved various Departments of the 1st Air Brigade and the Air Force, demonstrating their integration and interoperability capabilities, with very useful feedback from the perspective of a possible conduct of real operations.
The commander of the Brigade, in recognizing the effort and commitment made by the participants, also expressed his feeling of satisfaction and sincere satisfaction for the ability of the 17th Wing to organize and carry out training activities of this level of complexity, simulating a articulated and realistic scenario, capable of offering an extraordinary opportunity for all participants to consolidate and, if possible, to further increase their operational capabilities.
Icaro, is the code name of the Operational Detachment of Incursori. Alsium is the name of the Etruscan city-port located near the present-day city of Ladispoli, which borders the 17 ° Stormo.
The Raiders are now present in the Afghan operational theater, as part of the "Aspis" operation, with prevalent advisory and mentoring duties, in favor of the Afghan soldiers, together with the other Italian Special Forces.
See also the Online Defense visit to the 17 ° Wing Incursori
Source: 17 ° Stormo Incursori, Furbara (RM) - chap. Cristina Ferdinandi