The 346 of the 61 ° Stormo at the TLP of Albacete

(To air Force)

From the 15 to the September 23 2016, two T-346As from the 61 ° Stormo were redeployed, for the second time this year, at the Spanish base in Albacete, with the task of supporting training in the third Flying Course of the 2016 of the Tactical Leadership Program (TLP).

In the missions of the TLP, the valuable assets of Galatina "played" the "Red Air" role: their task was to simulate air strikes on other Italian and foreign aircraft. The event involved more than 30 aircraft from Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany and the United States. The particular symbiosis that has been created between the Italian crews and those of the other participating nations in the role of "opposition air forces" (Greek F-16, German EF2000, British HAWK and Spanish F5), allowed to highlight the capabilities of 346 in the role of "aggressor".

Italian crews have also been involved in planning complex type missions composite & combined, performing the duties of Red Force mission commander. Within the exercise i trainers of the 61 ° Stormo have carried out eight flight missions and the presence of the Salento Flight School's representation has obtained, overall, excellent results in terms of results.

The international experience has confirmed the ability of the 61 ° Stormo's training structure, consisting not only of the aircraft, pilots-instructors of the 212 ° Group Flight and specialists of the 961 ° Efficiency Group Aircraft, to know how to integrate perfectly into the operating context . Moreover, the instructors of the 61 ° Stormo on their way to Albacete have had the opportunity to update their professional baggage, to face new scenarios, to confront themselves with the latest doctrines of the use of air power, an experience that, no doubt, can give further added value to the contents of the phase IV course (Lead In to Fighter Training Course - LIFT), and to its patrons, all military pilots destined for combat aircraft.