The event was attended by the commander of the Schools of the Air Force / 3 ^ Bari Air Region, general of the Franco Girardi air force team, as well as numerous local religious, civil and military authorities.
Colonel Claudio Icardi, commander and head teacher of the School, in his speech highlighted the solemnity of the commitment assumed with the oath by the young students of the "Lyra" course towards the Nation: "Swearing loyalty to the Fatherland is an honorable and noble act , free and responsible […], it is you students who take the oath, who have made a life choice that is not common for your young age ".
Colonel Icardi then added: "The Douhet School has the delicate task of harmoniously blending ethics, discipline, education and training, in order to allow you to acquire models of behavior, cultural knowledge and skills essential to be the architects of your personal history and you are challenged in a tiring and demanding reality that prepares you for success, always appearing well as capable, hardworking and honest men and women ".
After the ritual formula of the oath, the air squad general Franco Girardi intervened. "Thanks to you, guys, who represent the future, and to your families who have transmitted noble and important values such as honor, fidelity, discipline, sacrifice, principles that refer to the ideals which inspire the Air Force" - declared the Commander of the Air Force Schools - “The future holds, reserves us, demanding challenges. The first, for you, is that of study, a front on which the School and the teaching staff are particularly demanding, a commitment that combined with the many educational and cultural activities that your school process provides will allow you to better face tomorrow " .
The baptism of the course took the name of "Lyra", which represents a constellation that, from now on, will constitute an indissoluble reference value for young students. The godfather of the course, Brigadier General Giorgio Baldacci, former commander of the Military School, handed over the new pennant in the hands of the Corsican leader immediately after the blessing given by the military chaplain.
Source: Aeronautical Military School - Florence - cap. Antonio Davanzo