Decimomannu: the head of SMA visiting the experimental and aerial shooting standardization department

(To air Force)

Thursday 17 August the experimental and standardization air shooting department, military airport MO Pil. Giovanni Farina (RSSTA) from Decimomannu, was affected by the visit of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, general of the air team Luca Goretti.

General Goretti was received by the commander of the department, Colonel Federico Pellegrini, who updated him on the operational and logistic evolution of the airport according to theInternational Flight Training School (IFTS).
The visit continued at the IFTS Campus, where the head of SMA met the managing director of Leonardo CAE Advanced Jet Training, engineer Giovanni Basile and the commander of the 212th IFTS flight group, lieutenant colonel Tommaso De Salvo, who illustrated the progress of the technical and operational activity of the Flight School courses.

Gen. sa Goretti, at the end of the visit, he said “happy to be back at an important department like the RSSTA”, thanking Colonel Pellegrini and his men “for how they were able to transform a project into a concrete reality”, underlining the remarkable progress made at the IFTS Campus and inviting us to advance without delay in the development of the project.

The military airport of Decimomannu, headquarters of experimental and standardization air shooting department (RSSTA), hierarchically depends on the Experimental and Interforce Training Polygon of Salto di Quirra (Perdasdefogu), on the Air Force Command for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (CAMRAS), for the garrison functions and coordination with the other AM entities present on the island .
The Alghero airport branch, the Capo Frasca firing range, the Serrenti weapons depot section and the Capo Bellavista, Capo Caccia and Capo Carbonara remote stations (weather), located outside the Decimomannu airport grounds, all depend on the RSSTA commander.

The RSSTA coordinates, manages and controls the flight activities of the Air Force Departments, of the other Armed Forces. and of the Allied Countries, also guaranteeing their logistical/administrative support. It is the headquarters of the 80th Search and Rescue center and the International Flight Training School (IFTS), excellence in the field of advanced flight training, the result of the partnership between the Air Force and Leonardo Spa.