The training event was reserved for the 95 frequenters of the 16 ° normal course, which shared equally in the two sessions in which the same was divided.
The activities included a series of marches in the woods interspersed with a night bivouac and a night in the mountains.
"The course is part of the supplementary activities provided by the Study Plan of the Normal courses for marshal students" said the commander of the Marshal School AM and of the Viterbo Airport, Colonel Paolo Briancesco who continued: "it is aimed at making students acquire the basics for survival in the mountains in emergency and critical situations. In this regard, I want to thank the support staff who come from the Air Force Academy of Pozzuoli, from the 16 ° Stormo di Martina Franca and from the 17 ° Stormo di Furbara for the 'commendable work and the respective commanders for having made them available to the AM Marshals School for this important training activity ”.
Source: School of Marshals AM - Viterbo - magg. Maximum Children