Anti-terrorism and airport sabotage course


The 25 counter-terrorism and anti-sabotage airport course ended yesterday at the military airport of Pratica di Mare (RM).

The course, organized by the Training Office of the Air Squadron Command and held by instructors of the Operative Protection Unit of the Pratica di Mare Airport Command, saw 19 soldiers belonging to the category "Terrestrial Defense Operational Support" and "Rifiliere dell ' Air "coming from the various operational departments of the Armed Force.

The activities, which took place between the Pratica di Mare airport, the Testa di Lepre polygon and the Multipurpose Center of the State Police, allowed the trainees to acquire the basic techniques of urban combat in an airport environment, an operational tactical shooting and intervention against threats carried out with the use of vehicles.

The Operational Protection Unit of the Airport Command, officially constituted last June, has the task of countering terrorist threats in emergency situations and has been working for some time with the Central Security Operating Unit (NOCS) of the State Police for the development and study of the anti-terrorism techniques applicable in a typically airport scenario.

The collaboration between the Department of Studies and Training of the NOCS of the State Police and the Operative Protection Unit has allowed the development of a specific training activity, adapted to the needs of the personnel of the Air Force Protection Forces, allowing techniques to be applied inspired by police principles of State under the aegis of military legislation.

Source: Pratica di Mare Airport Command (Rome) - ten. Orlando Fantozzi