The activity is part of the actions aimed at standardizing and harmonizing the syllabi, flight manuals, procedures and phraseology between the LIFT courses (Lead In to Fighter Training) carried out at the 212 ° Flight Group of the School of Volo di Galatina and the Operational Conversion Courses (CCO) held at the 20 ° OCU Group of the 4 ° Stormo.
The specific objective of the week was the preparation and fine-tuning of the mission profiles of the final phase of the first ITT (Instructors and Tactics Instructors) course of the Eurofighter line complete with theoretical and practical phase that will take place in Grosseto starting from 15 June.
The ITT line course, which will be held by the same 20 ° Group, marks a turning point towards greater in-depth analysis and standardization of all operational capabilities made available by software, armaments and equipment of the Eurofighter weapon system.
The course will see the use of the T-346 aircraft as "Aggressor" in dissimilar missions.
At the moment, the 61 ° Stormo is completing the phase-in of the T-346A: in particular the Department is involved in the training of the instructor pilots who will train the LIFT patrons and in the preparation of the relevant syllabi and training manuals. Starting next August, students destined for combat aircraft will carry out phase IV on the new Armed Forces trainer.
Precisely in consideration of the delicate moment of transition, it is even more important to encourage operational standardization between the training department and the operational departments. In fact, the capabilities and characteristics of the T-346 allow OCUs to be offered a product that is very different from the one supplied so far.
The purpose of this activity, and the subsequent ones that will be organized, is therefore to grant the right entry level required by each OCU by adapting the training to the needs of the Flocks that employ fighters pilots.
There is also the possibility of using the T-346 as "RED" in the missions of the operational conversion courses (CCO) to train future Eurofighter pilots in DACT scenarios (Dissimilar Air Combat Training) while maintaining high training of instructors of the LIFT course
The activity revealed important results on the interoperability and integration of the T-346A system with the F-2000: the T-346A aircraft operated at 100% in BVR missions (Beyond Visual Range, ed) thanks to the data link integration , belonging to the T-346A, and to the FPR system mounted on the F-2000 aircraft, which made it possible to simulate radar to radar missions.
Thanks to this technological combination and the performance of the T-346A aircraft, it has been possible to provide quality training by simulating different scenarios that will be useful for the ITT, CCO courses as well as the manuals and syllabus of the phase IV course.
See also the interview with the commander of the 4 ° Stormo
Source: 4 ° Stormo, Grosseto - cap. Walter Pacini - cap. Angelo Guerrieri