The theoretical-practical course involves indoctrination on the methodology, which includes legal aspects, followed by an application phase aimed at determining the appropriate reduction of collateral damage for each selected objective, in compliance with the current international humanitarian law regulations.
The course was conducted by qualified AOTC personnel with the appreciated contribution of the head of the Targeting branch at the NATO Intelligence Fusion Center (NIFC) in Molesworth (UK).
The course attendants of the CDEM course had attended the basic Targeting course the previous week, aimed at acquiring the skills of the processes that are required to command the air component with the use of dedicated application software. Thanks to the invaluable support of qualified armed force instructors, visitors have acquired the necessary skills to access the next CDEM course.
At the end of both training sessions, the deputy commander of the COA, Air Brigadier General Paolo Mazzi, in complimenting the attendees for the commitment and achievements, highlighted the importance of qualifying armed force personnel in the Targeting process and in that of estimating collateral damage.
The AOTC's mission is to prepare and qualify personnel for the armed force to exercise command and control of air operations within complex structures such as the JFACC (Joint Force Air Component Command). Courses offered - CPO1 (Preparation for Air Operations - Basic), CPO2 (Preparation for Air Operations - Intermediate), CPO3 (Preparation for Air Operations - Executive), CPT (Basic Targeting) and CPT CDEM (Targeting - Collateral Damage Estimation) - are the clear sign of the effort of the armed force to increase its operational capacity in the field of command and control of air operations.
The objective is to consolidate an adequate number of professional resources in view of the upcoming NATO certification of the Italian JFACC in the 2015 and to operate effectively as a designated NATO Response Force (NRF) in the 2016.
Source: Air Operations Command - Poggio Renatico (FE) - col. Paolo Bressan