Concluded the 9 ° Administration and Supply Course

(To air Force)

Last Friday, at the AM Specialists School of Caserta, the 9th Course of "Specialty Administration and Ordinary Material Supply - Commissariat Category" concluded with the issue of the relative certificates to the attendants (10 non-commissioned officers and 29 chief airmen), by Lieutenant Colonel Carlo Vecchi, representing the Commissariat and administration service and of Colonel Domenico Lo Buono, director of the school's courses, after a greeting by the commander, Colonel Veniero Massimo Santoro.

The course was organized and conducted by Commissariat and administration service, in collaboration with School Specialists for logistical aspects.

The objective of the activity is to complete the training process of the personnel, integrating the general theoretical notions imparted in previous courses with more specific instructions relating to the tasks to be performed in the employment departments, completed by practical exercises on IT management systems (SICEF for administrative part and SILEF for the management of materials and personnel).

The aim of the course is to provide a global view of not only theoretical, but also practical, possible employment profiles, in view of the subsequent professional growth in the daily performance of the various tasks.

To this end, the teaching activity, developed over three weeks, from 12 October to 2 November, was structured on the alternation of theoretical references to sector regulations with practical demonstrations carried out by expert staff, followed by exercises on application systems.

The importance of staff training, not only professional but also ethical, was reaffirmed during the final greeting to the visitors, with the hope of further enhancing the close collaboration between the Commissariat and administration service , AM Specialists School of Caserta.