CAE MC: exams at the end of the course


On Tuesday 25 November, at the Crew Training Center (CAE) Multi Crew of Pratica di Mare (Rome), the end of course exams were carried out for the release of the military pilot's license (BPM) for two sergeants pilots of the 123 ° AUPC course .

The two attendees are the first Air Force pilots to have obtained the military pilot's license on a multi-engine aircraft, as required by the new "IPTS 2020" training course, through about 90 hours of flight on the VC-180A aircraft and after having supported 5 exams in the various forms of flight.

During the final exam, conducted in the presence of an ENAC inspector, the pilots also obtained the CPL (A) IR license, as required by the recent agreement between the military aeronautics and the ENAC.

To complete the new process, the two newly-patented pilots also attended the Basic Operational Conversion (COB) course and the Multi Crew Cooperation (MCC) course, in order to reach the operational departments with the widest possible professional background and in line with the highest training standards. This will allow a significant "download" of future training on operational aircraft and a reduction in costs with the simultaneous increase in the standardization of procedures and flight safety.

The CAE MC, placed under the command of schools AM / 3 ^ RA of Bari, carries out the courses for advanced training on multi-engine aircraft for the navigating students of the AM, of the other armed forces and armed bodies of the State in order to achieve the military pilot's license (BPM). At the same time, the CAE MC ensures the basic training of newly assigned personnel re-employed on the "Multi Crew" lines, ensuring the standardization of the training of the various operational lines and also guaranteeing the achievement of the qualifications recognized by the competent civil authority (ENAC) .

Source: CAE MULTI CREW - Pratica di Mare (RM)