C-130J of the Italian Air Force transports ambulance with child on board in imminent danger of life

(To air Force)

This morning the emergency medical transport from Ancora to Rome of a two-year-old child in imminent danger of life (IPV) carried out with a C-130J of the Italian Air Force was successfully concluded.

For the child, immediate transfer to the specialist facilities of the "Bambino Gesù" hospital in Rome was requested. The prefecture of Ancona therefore contacted the Summit Situation Room of the Air Force Command of the AM that immediately arranged the transport through a C-130J of the 46 ª Pisa Air Brigade. This type of aircraft allowed the embarkation of the small patient, who needed to remain on board the ambulance, the medical unit and a team composed of ten people.

The C-130J has thus taken off from the capital of the Marches to Rome, where the ambulance and the medical team have continued the race to the hospital where they were waiting for urgent treatment.

The extreme flexibility of use of the aircraft supplied to the 46 ^ Air Brigade and the possibility of changing its configuration with relative ease make the C-130J a precious asset for the defense and security of the country. The Air Force is among the very few air forces in the world able to safely transport ambulances.

The Air Force ensures the rescue of the population in case of disaster or in other cases of extraordinary need and urgency. A concrete example of this mission is represented by the emergency medical transport of the sick, seriously traumatized, people in imminent danger of life and organs for transplants. Some flight departments, in particular the 46th Air Brigade of Pisa, the 31st Wing of Ciampino (RM), the 14th Wing of Pratica di Mare (RM) and the 15th Wing of Cervia (RA), are able to carry out medical / humanitarian transport in all conditions of weather and light, thus providing the required help which, often, is decisive for saving lives.