The courses provided the technical and operational knowledge for a correct insertion in the telecommunications sector, the systems for the Air Defense and the Flight Assistance used by all the Departments of the Italian Air Force. The training course concluded an educational course which began last October at the Telecommunications School of the Armed Forces of Chiavari.
The lessons, given by officers and non-commissioned officers from the Air Force General Staff, the 3 ^ Division of Logistic Command and the same 4 ^ Brigata TLC, provided theoretical and practical knowledge on the apparatus, systems and telecommunications networks, in order to train professional figures able to fully understand the functioning of a TLC system, evaluating the need of the same, both in planning and in management.
The 4th Brigade, dependent on the 3rd Division of the Logistic Command, has among its institutional tasks that of training the official and non-commissioned officers of the entire Air Force in the telecommunications sector.
Source: 4 ^ BTSDA / AV - Borgo Piave (LT) - chap. Domenico Guarino