AM has the task of training the Brindisi firefighters

(To air Force)

On Thursday 7 April, the fire-fighting training activity organized in favor of a rate of fire-brigade personnel working at the "Papola Casale" civilian airport ended at the Brindisi airport detachment. The training process, started in the past few months with a theoretical phase, ended with the performance of practical exercises focused on acquiring the necessary skills to protect the safety of flight crews and passengers transported on military aircraft or aircraft deployed at the detachment.

The training is part of the actions following the transit of Brindisi airport from a military airport to a civilian airport of the State. This status change, in fact, provides, among other things, for the execution of the fire-fighting service on military aircraft by the fire brigade, based on a specific agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the Interior.

During the training, also Swedish coastguard personnel intervened, deployed at the Messapian detachment with a Das 8Q-300 (DH8C) aircraft, as part of the "Aeneas Patrol Flights" operation, which held a briefing on the characteristics techniques of the aircraft, on the main safety equipment and on the techniques of extraction of the crew from the aircraft in the event of an accident.

At the end of the practical phase, the manager of the training activity, in addition to highlighting the importance of the activity carried out, declared himself enthusiastic about the work carried out by thanking those who participated for the support and professionalism provided, hoping for future collaborations in order to allow to the personnel in charge of adopting the appropriate intervention procedures in the event of a plane crash.