Letter to Difesa Online: "Let's save one of the most sacred places in the country!"


On the estate of the Salviati Dukes, at the mouth of the Serchio River, there is an abandoned secret base of the Royal Navy's Assaulters.

With this letter that I entrust to the media I want to denounce the little interest that local authorities, the central government and the Navy itself seem to have for this sacred place.

The Gamekeeper's house, where our heroes such as TeseoTesei, Birindelli, Toschi, Mocagatta, Durand de La Penne, Stefanini, Visentin, etc. worked. it is reduced to a ruin.

The property would be refurbished to make a small museum and, on the upper floors, rooms to rent to passing tourists. I would like to point out that today the place is frequented by prostitutes and drug dealers. I also remember that the Cultural Heritage of Florence has designated this property as a national monument.

As for the non-commissioned officers' houses, they will be sold at auction next month because they are part of a bankruptcy.

This is the sad end of what was the base of the Attackers of the 7 of the URSA MAJOR, feared by what was the powerful fleet in the Mediterranean, the Royal Fleet.

I address not the Navy nor the government who have appeared insensitive, until now, in solving this problem, but to the ITALIAN PEOPLE who have always shown themselves attentive in recognizing their children who are always ready for the call of their homeland.

I'm sure I have an answer to this appeal of mine by the humble ITALIAN people, I offer my warmest greetings.

Giulio Cozzani (president of the committee MEMENTO AUDERE ALWAYS Let's value Bocca di Serchio)

Email: committeemuseo1@yahoo.com
Mobile +3282770086 XNUMX
Committee MEMENTO AUDERE ALWAYS Let's value Bocca di Serchio
Via Acquavivola 32 - 51011 Borgo a Buggiano (Pt)