Mass in suffrage for Don Alberto Genovese, Duke of San Pietro

(To Massimiliano Rizzo)

This morning in Rome, in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli Martiri, the religious service for the priesthood of Fr. A secular tradition that keeps the link with the history of the "Grenadiers of Sardinia" regiment alive and honors those who have been part of it, in peace and war.

"The grenadiers, together with all the men and women with the stars, are busy serving the country on the national territory with the Safe Roads operation, in competition with the police forces", Reads a message from the Undersecretary of State for Defense, Mr Domenico Rossi," and abroad in international missions: really increasing the perception of security by the citizen. "

"The Grenadier Brigade of Sardinia is the oldest section of the Army which, always faithful to the traditions", Writes Rossi,"with its multiple capacities it meets the needs of a constantly changing Armed Forces."