The volunteers of the Italian Army swear in Capua

(To 17 RAV "Acqui")

700 volunteers on initial standstill (VFI) of the new recruitment process, together with 202 volunteers in firm prefixed of one year (VFP-1) of the 3rd block 2022 swore loyalty to the Italian Republic today at the 17th "Acqui" volunteer training regiment.

The ceremony, presided over by the commander of the Infantry School of Cesano, General Eugenio Dessì, was attended by local civil, military and religious authorities and the families of the jurands who, in the presence of the regiment's War Flag, sealed the solemn act of the oath pronouncing the traditional formula.

The regiment commander, Colonel Matteo Vitulano, urged the jurands to continue to make the same commitment that characterized the training period spent at the 17th RAV "Acqui" also in the continuation of their careers.

At the end of October, once the basic training course has been completed, the volunteers will leave the city of Capua to join the units of the Armed Forces located throughout the national territory.