Change in command of the Southern Operational Forces

(To Army Majority State)

This morning in Naples, in the courtyard of Palazzo "Salerno", the ceremony for the change in command of the South Operating Forces.

In the presence of the Army Chief of Staff, General Carmine Masiello, of the military and civil authorities, Major General Claudio Minghetti handed over command to his peer Angelo Michele Ristuccia.

Army Corps General Carmine Masiello praised the work done by the women and men of the South Operating Forces who, with the promptness and professionalism that distinguishes them, have demonstrated their being a precious and irreplaceable resource, in harmony with the other structures of the State. “The silent and effective work, on the territory and in the various crisis contexts in the world, and the genuine dedication shown in every circumstance - continued the general. ca Masiello - have aroused pride and deep gratitude, enhancing the authority and prestige of the Army and our Armed Forces. I expect a lot - he added - in terms of contribution to innovation, attention towards the new generations, training impetus, practice of example, cult of identity, sense of unity and duty, fruit of a clear awareness that the development and maintenance of operational capabilities are the indispensable elements on which to build the safety and effectiveness of each organic level, preparing to operate in every area of ​​comparison, as the reality of the facts imposes on us.

Difficult and highly demanding times await us, at a time in which the tasks for national security and international stability are destined to increase and in which the Army must pour its best energies into the service of the Italian Republic, in the name and for the affirmation of the constitutional values ​​of peace, justice and freedom. We will do it together. It is part of our history, our traditions, the values ​​and the oath that unite us”- concluded the Army Chief of Staff.

General Minghetti thanked the staff of COMFOP Sud and the dependent departments for their commitment, the results achieved and the collaboration received during his period of command.

General Ristuccia expressed gratitude to the Army Chief of Staff for the trust placed, expressing pride in the prestigious position and ensuring full commitment to achieving the objectives set by the Armed Forces Summit.

The command of South Operating Forces it is a high command that includes the components Promptness e territorial, with expertise in central-southern Italy and the islands. The operational component is made up of five multi-armed brigades, responsible for preparing the forces to be used in operations at home and abroad, the territorial component includes four regional commands and operates in the accommodation, documentary, technical-administrative, recruitment and relocation sectors. in the world of work. Furthermore, COMFOP Sud has responsibility for the command and control of the “Strade Sicure” and “Terra dei Fuochi” operations, coordinating 6 groups in its sector.