Crowd Bath in Treviso for the flag of the 7 ° regiment

(To Alpine Troops Command)

Applause and emotion characterized last night the arrival of the war flag of the 7th Alpini regiment, which crossed the streets of Treviso to reach, amid applause, in Piazza Signori where the honors were honored.

The organizers calculated that there were over 20.000 people lined up along the route and 5.000 to parade following the flag, while during the day there were also numerous visitors to the Cittadella degli Alpini, an exhibition showcase for the vehicles and equipment of the Alpine troops of the Army which will remain open and can be visited until tomorrow evening (closing at 18).

Tonight, instead, the unified circle of the Treviso Army will already be thinking about next year's Gathering, in Trento, with the signing of the memorandum of understanding for the redevelopment of the National Historical Museum of the Alpini - signed between the Ministry of Defense and theNational Alpine Association - which will give way to a restyling of the structure that will also increase its display capacity. The Municipality and the Province of Trento have assured their contribution, aware that the project (bottom image) will enrich the museum network of the Region.