151st anniversary of the birth of the Alpine Corps

(To ANA)

The Alpine troops are 151 years old. After the signing of the decree of Vittorio Emanuele II, in Naples on 15 October 1872, the corps kept alive its traditions of valor and heroism and after the Great War with the birth of theNational Alpine Association has carried out and has continued for 104 years uninterruptedly its mission of solidarity towards anyone in need, whether due to a natural disaster, disability or poverty. The Alpine troops are always present and do not stop: their ranks age but the spirit has remained unchanged over time.

“We will continue – said the national president Sebastiano Favero – to be present wherever there is a need. Today we are in Lodi to celebrate the gathering of the 2nd group and thousands of Alpine troops are present, while the population already yesterday demonstrated its affection towards the black feathers".

An affection and consensus that have continued to grow as recalled by the bishop of Lodi, Msgr. Maurizio Malvestiti during yesterday afternoon's Mass in the Cathedral: “The Alpine troops constitute a reserve of love capable of bringing solidarity everywhere. You are builders of peace not in words: you defended the land of your fathers with courage, you rushed to emergencies and calamities".

“On this day in which the birth of the Alpine troops is celebrated - concluded President Favero - I convey to all the members of our beloved association and to all the brothers in arms my most sincere and warm Alpine hugs. Long live Italy, long live the Alpine troops!”.