Today the celebrations began on the occasion of Saint Barbara, Patroness of the Navy

(To Marina Militare)

Inside the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, the oldest Christian basilica in the West also known for its splendor and historical importance, the seafaring family met again this year to share traditions and values ​​in a common moment of reflection.

In his greeting, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, team admiral Valter Girardelli, renewed the feelings that move men and women in arms every day, whether at sea, in the sky or on land: "Our goal is common: to serve the institutions, ensuring full compliance with our own commitments and those assumed by Italy with the international community, knowing that safety, a key prerequisite for well-being and progress, is guaranteed first and foremost operating on and from the advanced frontier of the sea".

A moment of common reflection but also of fervent wishes for "a serene Santa Barbara, in the deep conviction that the military and civilian personnel of the Navy represent our greatest resource, to face the challenges of renewal, in the sign of continuity with the most glorious traditions. "

During the homily, which had as its theme "strength" understood as a thrust of passion in the sign of God, if rev. Monsignor Santo Marcianò has renewed the values ​​in which Santa Barbara has always believed, sealing her life in the extreme sacrifice.

Also this year there was a large participation of the representatives of artillerymen, transmitters, firefighters, staff on duty and on leave as well as fighting and weapon associations; all united by an indissoluble sense of belonging and dedication, identified in the highest moral values ​​and sacrifice pursued by Santa Barbara.