Nicola Amato: Information security

book I met Nicola several years ago and this is his second book that I read on the subject and this time too I was pleasantly impressed by his ability to make very complex topics simple and understandable. Communication and IT, two important sectors that need more and more of each other.

What do we talk about in the book?

The topics of the book are mainly taken from the lectures held at the Insubria University of Communication Sciences in Varese and deal with information security, the evolution of information technologies and relations with communication and cryptography.

Nicola at the beginning of the book makes it clear what the importance of information security is not only today, the results of the wars of all times have in fact depended on information security.

But what are the goals of computer security?

What are the types of communication?

How is information security guaranteed?

What are the most frequent attacks on information systems?

Spoofing, sniffing, shadow servers, denial of service, browser hijacking and other techniques are explained in a simple way and with examples for everyone.

These and many other curiosities that are answered in the book (in an e-book edition).

My compliments go to the author and friend Nicola Amato!

To all curious readers I wish you good reading ...

Alessandro Rugolo