26/05/2015 - The Co.Ce.R. Marina deems it necessary to express a broad and in-depth assessment of the contents of the White Paper which will affect military personnel; this document represents only a first analysis, others will follow on more specific topics.

The first consideration that comes spontaneously, and not surprisingly, is that the White Paper was drafted listening to many opinions, but not that of the legitimate and unique representatives of the staff, the Co.Ce.R., which would certainly have highlighted immediately the difficulties in applying certain choices.

Furthermore, there has been no preliminary parliamentary passage to the presentation of the text which, in our opinion, would have been necessary because the White Paper, despite being a ministerial document, gives indications of foreign and defense policy which are issues that Parliament must examine and approve. also in light of the recent L. 244 / 2012 and the descendent legislative provisions.

The extraordinary statement, contained in the guidelines, that the White Paper intends to identify "the correct future posture" contains any doubt about the need for this Council to express an exhaustive, pertinent, but above all necessary opinion on the issue. The term "posture" calls to mind balance, functionality, harmony and vitality: talents that men in uniform possess and must be told to the country.

The same White Paper recalls how independently of the new operative model that will be structured the current military instrument must be preserved in its essence because the professionalism, the passions, the convinced spirit of sacrifice, the values ​​of individuals and their motivation are lymph vital to which the defense can not renounce. These qualities can not be acquired in a short time but are an expression of a heritage conquered with the sacrifice of generations and once lost they are forever. Each belonging to the FF.AA. he must recognize himself and identify his actions and ambitions with those of the military team to which he belongs; therefore any form of precariousness minimizes the sharing of a significant part of the staff to that defense project that we want to optimize is not acceptable.

The model of military instrument outlined, albeit briefly, raises questions of absolute concern. The mind runs far, to statements made by a former Minister of Defense about the topicality and the goodness of the French model that, characterized by a firm twenty years provides for the subsequent inclusion in the world of civil work. It is obligatory to remember that our country does not have a permeable labor market like that of other Eurozone realities and the profession of the military does not rank among those most appreciated by our public opinion. Once again there is growing displeasure because possible solutions are identified that appear completely divorced from the reality of this country.

Moreover, the White Book of Defense for Absurd, on the other hand, is very similar to what they could write in Austria or Slovakia, in countries without borders on the sea; the most important naval operations and their consequences are not mentioned nor taken into account, for the development of the defense system, that Italy has 8000 km of coastline and national interests on the seas. There was no consideration of the value, and the sacrifices made by the crews of the Navy in the activities of control of national and international waters in defense of the sovereignty and interests of the State. Sacrifices that this Council is keen to stress occur without any treatment of mission.

Following the premises, the Co.Ce.R. Marina expresses its negative opinion regarding the contents of the White Paper and its repercussions on the personnel represented, for the following reasons:

  1. The rejuvenation will be implemented through a form of "precariousness", for periods far exceeding the current ones, that the RM, vice versa, tries to reduce and always contrasts; at the same time it is not clear what the consequences will be for the current soldiers in permanent service, also in view of the considerable organic decline in the role of Marshals.

  1. There is no reference to the harmonization of the White Paper with the existing provisions (application L 244 / 12), this creates on the personal profound uncertainties on how the staff will be reduced and on what will follow in terms of employment and sacrifice for those who remain in service .

  1. Given the clear desire for staff reduction / rebalancing, there is no well-defined project aimed at protecting staff at the end of the "precarious" period.

  1. A similar lack of vision is seen in not dictating how to manage any redundant personnel and the transitory times.

  1. It is not clear what is meant by "motivational incentives" foreseen by the White Paper; this concept is so far from the mentality of the PA that it risks translating exclusively into economic compensation, which in our view, while necessary, can not be the sole motivation of those who work for the defense.

  1. Instead of ambiguously defining a future "adequate retribution", it would have been necessary to define that the remuneration must be adapted to the European average.

  2. There is no trace of the Military Representation and if the military personnel will be granted the associative rights, indeed it seems to underline that the famous "specificity" will result in a reduction of the rights of citizens in uniform in the application of working hours and family protections.

  1. There are no obvious ways of involving other Ministries or components of the State that could make an essential contribution to the recognition of professional qualifications necessary for reintegration into the world of work.

  1. Last but not least, we note that the costs of this project have not been defined, nor the financial coverage for the management of this ambitious transformation.

It should be clear from the beginning that the opposition to precariousness, especially in the long term, without certainties about the future post-service, is based on the need of the staff, who must be willing to sacrifice, to perceive that the country recognizes economic stability and social.

Otherwise those who will enlist for such prolonged stops will be only men and women without alternatives who will soon reserve their energies to the search / realization of the next life path, diverting their attention from the needs of service, practically operating without motivation and with little professionalism. .

In general, the White Paper is rich in undefined theoretical models and extremely scarce in terms of practical solutions, it seems to be the umpteenth reform suffered by the personnel of the sector. You do not have time to complete the previous one that another follows. To the failure, clearly under the eyes of all the military and political leaders of the professional model currently in force, is the legislative provision 244 / 2012, which even before taking shape has already surpassed what has been outlined in the much-vaunted White Paper.

Central Military Representation Council - Marine Section