24/05/2015 - In the centenary of the beginning of the Great Italian War, with the aim of remembering the facts of a century ago, it would be easy to make hagiography of the heroes or to criticize "the useless massacre" as it would be easy to put yourself in the middle of the two positions , a very popular practice among the sloth and the false intellectuals.
The truth is that in Italy of the First World War does not give a damn about anyone, the memory of what was certainly the last war of independence and perhaps the only conflict for national unity that has not been lost was deliberately lost it is stained with the shame of civil war, of the infamous conflict between people of the same people who lived in surrogate nations wanted by foreign powers.
Today the centenary is surrounded by an indifference that rhymes with distrust, so much so that, paradoxically, in an era that has put the ideologies in the attic, celebrating the 1 World War is likely to be held up by fascism, while not to celebrate it he would feel a little guilty, like when he does not visit a sick relative.
All crap, at least as much as the hearty celebrations of some exalted people mixing the hymn of Mameli, with the trenches of the Carso and the foibe, what to say then of this recurrence, first of all that is not a recurrence, since births are celebrated and not the conceptions, moreover, how many of those who read celebrate the day of conception of their children in place of the birthday?
In an Italy that is forgetful and enslaved to politically correct, one therefore forgets November 4th (victory day, ed.) And pretends to remember May 24th, in short, the campaign against furs is launched, but Fido is abandoned on the highway before the holidays.
However, if the Piave's hymn is a little touched by the spirit, if our grandparents or great-grandparents were knights of Vittorio Veneto, if we despise the political and dialectic turns of today's ruling class, similar to that of a hundred years ago due to a lack of thickness and coherence, if in the end it is not a date to determine a feeling of patriot love, then go to one of the more 8000 monuments that remember the Great War in the more than 8000 Italian municipalities and address a thought and a prayer to those, with conscience or not, but always with dignity and respect they sacrificed their youth in the name of Italy.