New frieze on the basque of the 185esimo RRAO buyers


It was held this morning at 11.00, in the square of the Pisacane barracks in Livorno, the ceremony for the change of the frieze of the 185 ° Regiment Recognition Acquisition Objectives (RRAO), in the presence of numerous civil and military authorities.

The general of the army corps Giovan Battista Borrini, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, has delivered to the Colonel Maurizio Fronda, commander of the 185 ° RRAO, the historic frieze belonging to the Reconnaissance Squadron Folgore (Squadron F), during the Second World War World.

"The 185 ° RRAO is a strong reality in which the Army firmly believes, consolidated by belonging to the sector of special operations.

This must be an honor for you and a source of infinite pride, but always be aware that it underlies strong responsibilities that must be faced with professionalism and humility. "  

With these words, General Borrini wanted to express his gratitude to the Objective Acquisitors, exemplary professionals, constantly engaged in training activities and operations in Italy and abroad.     

The operators of the 185 ° RRAO are the result of a rigorous selection lasting about two years, through which the aspiring acquirers learn the techniques to conduct missions in every operational theater: from the mountain environment to the amphibious environment, from the desert environment to the Mediterranean and continental ones.

The RRAO specializes in the conduct of special operations with high strategic value.

Source: Army Majority Staff