[Former Sicilian minister Nasi had been accused of embezzlement and in those days the trial was celebrated, exploited for local political purposes]
Source: Military Navy
uses riots following the so-called "Nasi case" the battleship Sardinia is deployed in Messina due to public order. The unit will stop in the Sicilian port until the 30 and then return to La Spezia.
[Former Sicilian minister Nasi had been accused of embezzlement and in those days the trial was celebrated, exploited for local political purposes]
Source: Military Navy
Well, yes, we are now used to witnessing the closure of the barracks and perhaps even a little to burying the long history of the departments, a phenomenon which however does not erase the memories. It also touched...
The baked chicken, as expected, had lived up to its reputation, consolidating, where needed, the undisputed culinary mastery of Gastone, chief ...