The 11 September 1907 happened: Enter the Regina Elena service


In Spice under the command of the vessel captain Giovanni Boet the battleship Regina Elena enters service, second unit of four of the "Vittorio Emanuele" class.

Already in the first months of the 1900, Admiral Bettòlo, during his first ministry (14 May 1899-24 May 1900) had commissioned the director of Genio Navale Vittorio Cuniberti to design a fast battle ship, to be reproduced in four copies, which in the set of characteristics it could technically, and as far as possible economically, satisfy the most important operational requirements of the Regia Marina.

Completed the plans of two pairs of units (with equally slight differences between them), between the 1901 and the 1903 were set, and entered service in the 1907-1908 after the usual long period of construction and construction, the four battleships Vittorio Emanuele , Regina Elena, Naples, Rome, still remembered as one of the most beautiful units of the Regia Marina.

Balance of characteristics, technical perfection of the hull of high-strength steel, marine qualities, were the fundamental qualities of these ships that fully realized the inspiring concepts of the project although, in relation to the economy made on displacement, they were considered by some, more than battleships, like large armored cruisers or battle cruisers. Built in the Arsenale of Spezia with 27 in March 1901 set up on the airport, the 19 June 1904 was launched.

Source: Military Navy