The attackers were repulsed and some were forced to swim to their torpedo boats. We had two wounded. "
Thaon of Revel
Source: Military Navy
General Staff of the Navy reports: The enemy attempted yesterday morning to take possession of the island of Pelagosa by bombarding it from the sea with two light cruisers and six destroyers, while a unit of sailors landed on the island.
The attackers were repulsed and some were forced to swim to their torpedo boats. We had two wounded. "
Thaon of Revel
Source: Military Navy
Well, yes, we are now used to witnessing the closure of the barracks and perhaps even a little to burying the long history of the departments, a phenomenon which however does not erase the memories. It also touched...
The baked chicken, as expected, had lived up to its reputation, consolidating, where needed, the undisputed culinary mastery of Gastone, chief ...