25 May 1865: The Savoy in Taranto for the construction of the arsenal


berto di Savoia crown prince and Amedeo di Savoia duke of Aosta, his brother, come to Taranto to endorse with their presence the choice of the city operated a few days before, after two years of studies and inspections, from the commission Valfrè di Bonzo to headquarters more suitable both for geographical position and for the configuration of the territory to host a naval base and a maritime arsenal.

The choice is also supported by the opinion of the Admiralty Council.

The frigate captain Simone Pacoret of Saint Bon and the Major of the Guarci Military Military Corps are charged with examining the possibilities of Taranto on the spot and proposing the first design hypotheses for the arsenal and for the creation of a navigable canal between Mar Piccolo and Mar Great.

The propeller gunship Vinzaglio da Gaeta, where it carried out the task of fishing surveillance, is transferred to Taranto to perform in the waters of the harbor under the direction of the commander Pacoret of Saint Bon, a campaign of reliefs of the coasts and inland islands and of soundings of the Sea Small. The campaign will be completed early in the 1866.

Source: Military Navy