15 May 1911: The corpse of General La Marmora soon in Italy


Torpedo cruiser Agordat under the command of the frigate captain Carlo Albamonte-Siciliano leaves Taranto for Sevastopol to transport the body of Lieutenant General Alessandro La Marmora who died of cholera in Balaklava (Crimea) on 7 June 1855 to his homeland.

The unit that will stop in Constantinople and Galati, going up the Danube, will reach the 23 in Sevastopol on May. 11 June will be repatriated in Genoa, the remains of Lieutenant General Alfonso La Marmora buried in the Kamakara - Cernaia ossuary - now they rest in Biella in the Basilica of San Sebastiano

[Alessandro La Marmora, eighth of thirteen children, 27 was born in Turin in March 1799 at 09: 30 and baptized at 17: 00 in the church of San Giovanni. His parents: Marquis Celestino Ferrero della Marmora and Countess Raffaella Argentero di Bersezio, were, in the Piedmontese nobility, very loyal to the Savoy. Alessandro is remembered as the creator of the Bersaglieri body, in fact in 1831 the idea of creation of a body for special jobs and, after various vicissitudes, above all bureaucratic, with the royal decree of 18 June 1836 his idea is definitively realized. The bersaglieri, at his command will have the baptism of fire 8 April 1848 in Goito, an event that will leave a tangible sign to La Marmora: during the fighting a blow reaches him by smashing his jaw. During his stay in Genoa in 1854 to quell the riots that I often went to disturb public order, contracted the cholera that in the meantime was rekindled. He will leave for Balaklava (Crimea) where, after fifteen days of travel troubled by strong dysentery, he arrives in port and the night between 6 and 7 I come 1855 will expire]

Source: Military Navy