The Christmas massacre in Gaza and the difficulty in relief efforts

(To Gianluca Celentano)

The spotlight is gradually lowering on Ukraine to focus much further south, on a war that many now have the courage to call a conflict of extermination, the one taking place in Palestine. On Christmas Day, December 25, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, now with low consensus in his country, launched another air attack which caused over 100 civilian deaths, thus increasing the death toll since the beginning of the conflict broke out on October 7 at 20.674. Victims are mainly women and children.

Moreover, Netanyahu was also clear with Biden who, in this case, was trying to wear the role of peacemaker in the conflict: Israel will continue the war until all its objectives are achieved which include in addition to the overthrow of the Hamas terrorist group, also the release of the hostages held in the Strip.

A war of hate although Israel's reasons are clear after the first attack by Hamas which lit the fuse. A devastation that makes the interventions of the UN even more difficult, as it is adopting strategies to strengthen the entry of humanitarian aid into Palestine. The real problem today is how to bring relief to Palestine, bypassing hospitals which, according to intelligence, hide weapons depots and underground tunnels, and continuous air attacks.

Meanwhile in Israel, political dissent against the Netanyahu government is increasingly widespread despite the president spreading patriotic speeches which in reality arouseopposite effect among a good part of the population, the one that considers commercial and diplomatic relations with the West to be fundamental at the end of the conflict.

It must also be said that the Egyptian proposal in three phases to end the conflict was returned to the sender by Islamic Jihad and Hamas, so it is an unknown where too much innocent blood is still expected. That is, of that majority of people outside of Hamas who are paying the most unfair and expensive bill.

Palestine has around 5 million inhabitants and one hundred thousand of these work in neighboring Israel every day. Among the workers in the Strip, more than 60% are employed in the construction sector and more generally, Palestinian labor is a fundamental part of the Israeli GDP. Decimating or exterminating a population just for having the guilt of inhabiting a land - their land - in which there are also terrorist groups is a mere blunder with the flavor of blind and bloody revenge. A concept that is too contrasting with the history of the Jewish people and far from the concept of civilization that would be expected from the only democracy present in the Middle East. A deeply embarrassing condition for Jews around the world and at the same time offensive to the very community that inhabits Israel, which we remember is made up of 74,2% Jews, 17,8% Muslims, 2,0% Christians.