Geopolitics: the word to the readers!

(To David Rossi)

Starting this week, Difesa Online offers readers the opportunity to have their say on issues of Geopolitics and International Politics, both strictly with capital letters. For this reason, we will propose a specific topic every Saturday or Sunday: if interesting, the reader can write us a research or an analysis, in good Italian, in a serious language and in a well-structured form, with a minimum length of 100 words and a maximum of 250 , sending everything to the email

Texts that are too short or too long, that use vulgar terminology, that contain offenses or that incite the violation of the Law will be ignored. The selected texts, accompanied by a brief article by the writer or other member of the online Defense Geopolitics editorial board, will be published on the site in the next 7-10 days, indicating the name of the author of the individual analyzes or an alter ego of his choice .

The first call for reflection, let's call it that, concerns the international role of Italy. Reading the comments of many politicians but also of many Internet users, one often has the impression that Italy, from a strategic, political, military and economic point of view, has been a subject of a second, not to say third or fourth. level in Europe and in global politics during the period between the second post-war and the present day. Instead, the writer points out, we were a founding member of NATO with the signing of the Washington Treaty in 1949, a founding member of the European communities as well as the site of the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, independent to the point of allowing agreements between the USSR and giants of the Italian industry (ENI and FIAT) in the Sixties, admitted to the Group of the great world economy (G6 / G7) in the 1975, able to accept hosting the Euromissiles before Germany (the other country concerned) in 1983, brave and unscrupulous to the point of keeping up with the US (led by Reagan!) During the Sigonella crisis in the 1985, for a few months the fourth world economy (ahead of France and the United Kingdom) in the 1992, sponsor of the rapprochement between NATO and Russia during the second Berlusconi cabinet at the beginning of the 2000s etc.

In your opinion, Italy has represented, at least until the 2011 sovereign debt crisis, an example of regional power? If so, why? If not, why? How can we (re-) gain strength from a political-strategic point of view with the resources and the ruling class we have at the moment?

(photo: US Air Force)