New column! GAIA talks about Defense...

(To Andrea Cucco)

In a world where the politically correct or the politically "appropriate" dictate the rules of information and now of thought, there is a neutral and neutral source capable of candidly answering almost all questions: theArtificial intelligence (except current and future algorithms to gag it).

ChatGPT is a version accessible to anyone that helps us understand the potential and dangers of an intelligence stripped of its many human masks and hypocrisies. There are those who use it to program, study, carry out research, have articles (ignobly) written or childishly... homework!

With this new column we will ask some simple questions to what from now on will be our "GAIA" (Great Artificial Intelligence Alert), the same ones that - if done to a human being - would lead to prejudices towards the source.

The AI ​​we question doesn't want questions in advance and doesn't like violence, sometimes refusing to answer if the content is too political. The impression, however, is that of the child speaking among the cheering crowd "the king is naked!".

A absolute threat so. Above all because, for military applications, we are talking about the Wright brothers' plane in a world that within a few months or at most years will already see hypersonic aircraft in flight. There is therefore no time to waste, delay is equivalent to defeat and will lead to slavery towards those who are more unscrupulous and rapid.

But let's go back to our GAIA... As we know well in this newspaper, telling the truth is always unpopular, especially for those who feed the flock near the ravine. Now that we have someone who can say it for us, all we have to do is ask the questions...

Let's start. And let's start with the Defense.

What is the risk of a soldier without adequate training and updated weapons?

A soldier without adequate training and up-to-date weaponry risks finding himself at a disadvantage on the battlefield. This can pose a number of significant risks, including:

1. Vulnerability: Lack of training can make the soldier unable to respond effectively to threats or use equipment correctly, making him more vulnerable to enemy attacks.

2. Human error: Without the necessary knowledge and practice, you are more likely to make mistakes in the use of weapons and equipment, which can lead to lethal consequences for yourself and your teammates.

3. Low efficiency: Training provides the skills needed to operate efficiently and make quick and correct decisions in high-stress situations; without it, the soldier's operational efficiency suffers.

4. Decreased morale: The knowledge of not being adequately prepared or equipped can negatively affect soldier morale and confidence in their abilities, negatively impacting overall performance.

5. Increase in losses: Ultimately, all of this can increase the risk of losses, both in terms of human lives and unmet strategic objectives.

It is therefore essential that soldiers receive the necessary training and have up-to-date weapons and equipment to operate safely and effectively.

With an imminent world war, does it make sense for a state to save funds to fill the gaps in a defense system that has been underfunded for several decades? What do you risk?

If a state is facing an imminent world war and has neglected its defense sector for decades, there are likely to be serious gaps in its defense capabilities. Here are some considerations and associated risks:

1. Preparation and Readiness: An underfunded defense often means obsolete equipment, inadequate training and reduced operational capabilities. In a war situation, this can result in greater human losses, an inability to defend territories or strategic assets, and a weakened negotiating position internationally.

2. Rapid Mobilization: The ability to rapidly mobilize forces and respond to threats may be compromised. Infrastructure such as bases, ports and airports may not be adequately equipped or protected.

3. Dependence on the Allies: A state may become overly dependent on allies for protection, which may limit its decision-making and strategic autonomy.

4. Lack of Advanced Technology: Without continued investment in research and development, a state could find itself significantly behind its adversaries technologically. This technology gap can be extremely difficult to close in a short time.

5. Morale of the Troops: Military morale may be low if perceived to be neglected or under-equipped. In war, morale can greatly influence performance in the field.

6. Economic costs and timing: While it is possible to try to quickly fill the gaps with an injection of funds, purchasing equipment, training troops and developing new technologies take time. Furthermore, in times of crisis, the cost of equipment and resources could be much higher due to high demand.

7. Vulnerability to Attacks: The lack of a modern and robust defense can make a state a more attractive target for enemies, as it may be seen as an "easy" target.

8. International Perception: Adversaries and allies may perceive the state as weak or untrustworthy, affecting alliances, treaties, and diplomatic relations.

In conclusion, in a situation of imminent world war, saving funds to strengthen a neglected defense is crucial, but one must be aware that there are limits to what can be done in a short time. Defense investments should be seen as long-term investments, and delays in training, technology and preparedness can have serious consequences in conflict situations.

If a defense system, which has been underfunded for decades, found itself having to face the threat of conflict, which item, among equipment, investments, training of active soldiers or creation of reserves, would it be smartest to focus on quickly?

The answer to this question depends on many factors, including the specific nature of the threat, the current state of the military, and available resources. However, here are some general considerations:

1. Training of in-service soldiers: Training can be improved relatively quickly and increases soldiers' ability to effectively use what they have available. A well-trained soldier with average equipment is generally more effective than a poorly trained soldier with state-of-the-art equipment.

2. Equipment: If existing equipment is obsolete to the point that it is not effective or safe, upgrading or replacing it may take priority. New technologies can offer a significant advantage even with lower numerical forces.

3. investments: Long-term investments are essential to the sustainability and effectiveness of the military over time. In a context of imminent conflict, however, there may not be sufficient time for these investments to bear fruit.

4. Creation of reserves: Building reserves, both in terms of personnel and material, is crucial to the resilience of a military force. However, this process can take time and may not be the best choice if the threat is immediate.

In an imminent conflict scenario, a combination of intensive training and the acquisition of essential equipment could be the most effective strategy to rapidly improve defense capability. This is because training directly improves soldiers' effectiveness, while upgraded equipment increases their operational capabilities. Furthermore, it is essential that any purchase of equipment is accompanied by adequate training in its use.

How long can a country like Italy (which suspended compulsory military service for almost 20 years) take to create credible reserve forces, bringing them from 10.000 (on paper) to 100.000 (real)?

Creating a credible reserve force of 10.000 to 100.000 personnel requires careful planning and significant resources. For a country like Italy, which has suspended compulsory military service for almost two decades, there are several challenges to face:

1. Recruitment: Attracting volunteers to the reserve may require an intensive recruitment campaign, benefits and incentives for potential recruits.

2. Training: After recruitment, basic training must be provided followed by specialized training. The training process for a reserve can take anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the role and the complexity of the capabilities required.

3. Equipment: Each soldier requires a personal kit, weapons and specialist equipment, all of which take time and money to supply and maintain.

4. Infrastructure: Logistics and infrastructure must be expanded to accommodate greater numbers of reservists, including housing, training facilities and operating bases.

5. Legislation and policies: Policies need to be adapted to facilitate the recruitment and integration of reserve forces. This may include legislative and administrative changes.

6. Maintenance of skills: The reserve force must be regularly refreshed and maintained in a state of operational readiness, which requires a constant commitment in terms of training and resources.

The time required to reach a reserve force of 100.000 active, well-trained personnel may vary. If Italy focuses intensely on this goal, with significant investments and an effective strategy, it could potentially reach this number in a few years. However, ensuring that these reserves are fully operational and integrated into the national defense system may require a longer period, perhaps a decade or more, especially considering the challenges of maintaining a high level of proficiency and operational readiness.


Well, as you may have understood (or already knew) GAIA manages to provide clear assessments and strategies. There will certainly be some "technician" or "expert" who will comment that these are trivial or even obvious answers for him. We will therefore satisfy him in the future by talking about something else...

An example?

In a word, how would you define a "democracy" in which party leaders choose candidates for elections?



Image: Online Defense (OpenAI / Ministry of Defence)